donderdag 17 januari 2019

Breakfast at Tiffany's - BEST ENDING SCENE EVER (22) - Kissing in the Rain

Breakfast at Tiffany's - BEST ENDING SCENE EVER (22) - Kissing in the Rain 

Published on Mar 2, 2016

The Breakfast at Tiffany's ending scene is finally here! 

I'm very sad and happy at the same time to be uploading the final scene of my favorite movie, Breakfast at Tiffany's. I tried to share all of my favorite clips of this great movie and tried to make these clips the best quality. I hope you guys have enjoyed them. We had a good time together, laughing, crying, and being enchanted all over again by Audrey and this fantastic movie. I'm going to start working on Sabrina and Roman Holiday next -other fantastic films of Audrey Hepburn's.

The ending always gets me though. I'm a little teary eyed, but just like all good things they come to an end. Waiting for my goosebumps to go down still.

I just wanted to say thank you guys so much for supporting this channel and subscribing. You guys mean the world, I never thought this channel would grow like this and I couldn't have done it without you. Audrey was truly an amazing woman and a real inspiration. I challenge you guys to learn a little more about her because just like me, you'll be enchanted all over again. You have all my love and thanks.

Advice to guys: Take notes from Paul. Every girl wants a chase. Give her that chase, but don't be the guy that gets crapped on and still say "I'll always be here for you". Paul does the right thing here, where he asserts his value as a man and calls Holly's BS.

Holly gets a reality check. Paul mans up and tells Holly how it really is and leaves her in the car with the ring that he's been carrying for months. Holly is now in a position where she is forced to confront herself and her fears.

Throwing Cat out of the car... only to be later making out with Cat.


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Claudia Duran
In the 2000 Audrey Hepburn biopic, it was suggested that Cat and Holly were representations of one another, and that when she finds the cat, she really finds herself. But I think the real meaning here is that throughout the film, she never bothers to take ownership of the cat by giving it a name, believes it's only convenient to "own" things once you "find a place that makes you feel like Tiffany's". In other words, happiness comes BEFORE interdependence. And just like Holly sets the cat free, Paul does the same with Holly, but not before clarifying that happiness only comes AFTER interdependence. In fact, "it's the only chance anyone has at real happiness." When Holly searches for the cat in the ally, she realizes she never gave the cat a name, so she has no specific name to call out when she needs to find it. For a second, you really don't believe she's going to see this cat again. But she does, and once she has it in her arms, she looks to Paul like she's unsure he's going to take her back. He does, they kiss, and everything is peach fuzz. In the turn of the 1960's, with the rise of things like birth control, no-fault divorce, and the swingers scene, there was less interdependence between men and women. Everyone just started doing their own thing. I like to think that 'Breakfast at Tiffany's' was Hollywood's last-ditch effort to convince people that it was okay to "belong to each other", meaning to take responsibility for your role in someone's life. Even today, the message could be construed as controlling or even sexist. A film where a man tells a woman she "belongs to [him]" wouldn't go over too well with contemporary audiences. But I like to think fans of the film get the real meaning behind words like that. The movie wouldn't be timeless if we didn't.
Faith Harvey
Claudia Duran Wow,very well said.👏👍
Peaceminus Chanel
Claudia Duran knew it
Leone Mendoza
Claudia Duran wow. very well said. Interdependence.. I heard this word many times in Stephen Covey's timeless book. And I really agree with you. ☺
Laura Corbett
Claudia Duran And then she realized that she and Paul belonged to each other.
Azolio Eroach
I didn't get that it was Hollywood's statement, but rather Capote's intuitive writing skill for discerning meaning from semantics. Considering how messed up he was, the ability to do that was amazing and borderline mystical.
Jeez, well said!
Authentic Gay Blog
amazing insight!
Sammi Nelm
Beautifully said.
Hans S
Not 'Hollywood' but the creator of men and women wants people to be that way, because of their possible offspring and children need stability and a mother and father who really LOVE each other.

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