dinsdag 30 oktober 2018

I have been given all power in heaven and on earth

I was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore

Yes I am a bitch and here's the RICH YOUNG RULER explained

Yes I am a bitch and here's the RICH YOUNG RULER explained

Published on Oct 29, 2018
 I AM NOT TRYING TO OFFEND WITH FOUL LANGUAGE...THAT TERM BITCH IS WHAT PROFESSING CHRISTIANS ARE CALLING ME FOR PREACHING GRACE.  PLEASE SEE IT AS SARDONIC AND NOT TO OFFEND ANYONE'S DELICATE SENSIBILITIES. Studying the story of the rich young ruler and how its almost always misunderstood.  People must come to the end of themselves by the weight of the law to turn to Christ (repent) as Savior. 

maandag 29 oktober 2018

Why I Left Christianity

Why I Left Christianity

Published on Jun 23, 2018
I didn't leave Christianity because of the negative experiences I had in church or because other Christians weren't kind to me. I left because I followed the facts. Deconversion is rough, and a lot of people don't talk about it. But, if anyone else has experienced the struggle of giving up your belief system, I feel you.  

zondag 14 oktober 2018

Government Documents Admit Flat Earth

Government Documents Admit Flat Earth

Streamed live on Jun 10, 2018
This was a teaching at Fire & Grace Church in Opelika AL. In this presentation, Pastor Dean addresses the mountain of government documents and scientific technical manuals that admit the earth is flat and non-rotating or still like the Bible has always said. CIA, Army, Airforce, Navy, NASA, and Russian documents admit the earth is flat....so why are people like Neil Degrasse Tyson and Bill Nye calling flat earthers and Christians crazy? This is part one of what Pastor Dean discovered after many hours of research on various websites including the CIA website. It's time for everyone to wake up to the truth of Biblical creation that these governments suppressed (but knew about) just like Romans 1 foretold. .